Odontit implants have the best mechanical characteristics on the market

7 implant systems from one of the world's leading implant manufacturers with more than 30 years of experience, always at the forefront and innovative.


Dental implants with guaranteed quality for life. High quality based on the best results thanks to our solid and hard-working staff.


Odontit implants have the best mechanical characteristics on the market. The quality of the titanium used in its manufacture is an added benefit.


The R+D+I team stays in permanent contact with experts and scientific advisers, which enables Odontit to always remain at the forefront of the dental sector.


Manufactured with grade 5 Titanium, which guarantees excellent osseointegration and biocompatibility.


Odontit applies load cycles well above the value of usual chewing loads and evaluates the results to ensure that all its implants meet the safety factors.


Odontit Implant Systems applies double acid etching and sandblasting to its entire range of implants. Due to the crowding of the particles, a rough surface caused by the micro abrasion of the process is achieved.


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